Dr. Maud Mandel & Dr. Ethan Katz: Jews and Muslims in France

By The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center: Fall 2020 (other events)

Tuesday, November 24 2020 11:00 AM 12:15 PM EST

Jews and Muslims in France

with Dr. Ethan Katz, University of California, Berkeley

& Dr. Maud Mandel, President of Williams College

Tuesday, November 24

11:00 AM EST

A virtual series


France is home to six million Muslims and half a million Jews; more Jews and Muslims live together there than in any other country except Israel. While extreme acts of Islamist-inspired anti-Semitism tend to dominate today’s headlines, theirs is a long history of shared experience, shared cultural sensibilities and solidarities across generations. What has changed the nature of their relationship? How has living in an avowedly secular although majority Catholic country influenced their ties?


This program is sponsored by The Streicker Family and Dr. Masha Mimran.


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